Brokeback Mountain

No spoilers about the movie here, so it’s safe to keep reading.

From my understanding the movie won’t be in wide release until January 20, 2006, so I don’t want to say too much. But I enjoyed the movie and Heath Ledger’s performance really stood out.

I’ll probably write more later after I’ve gotten some sleep.

Updated: There are some spoilers in the comments, just to give fair warning.

I also can’t believe that while trying to get to the movies, I almost hit a deer. I was having a few problems finding the place (the map sucked) and I was like 2 or 3 blocks past where I needed to be and on the phone with a friend who was kindly Googling a better map for me when a buck with an impressive rack ran across the road, coming from my left, and I just barely avoided hitting him. That would have been a really sucky way to start my vacation.

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